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Can't update Notion cover image, 'change cover-reposition' button just blinks & fades away when I click on it. Anyone experience this?


nboeker commented

I have this same problem when there's an icon added.

2 Answers


polle Points79040

You are not alone, it is a bug introduced in the Notion update released yesterday, for sure it will be fixed asap.


polle commented

Just an update to let you know this has been fixed in the latest Notion update.


uyentbj commented

My Notion still have the same issue today. It doesn't fix at all.


polle commented

@uyentbj it may be your browser or Notion app cache, try deleting cache in the browser or applying a reset to the app.


uyentbj commented

Yeah I pressed Ctr+R in Notion and the problem was solved. Thanks alot


rabidweezerfan commented

I've tried on browser in a private session and in the app (after resetting) and I'm still seeing this issue on Mac. App version is 2.0.17

Edit: Seems to only happen when an icon has been added to the page, which I'm assuming is causing the issue where the button hitbox didn't get shifted as well.


hamlindesigns commented

I am still having the issue on the Windows app as well. I deleted my cache folder and am updated to the latest version. Still not working for me.


Remistyque Points160

Found a solution ! You just have to click on an other page for example a google one and then get back to your notion app and now you can click on it :)

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